
Response to Conflict

Join Dr. Chuck Coker's conflict response program to learn from his 35 years of experience in conflict resolution. Discover strategies used by major corporations, understand and resolve conflicts, and develop personally and spiritually with scriptural guidance. Transform your life!
Number of lessons: 6
Total length: 2 hours and 21 minutes
Format: Video and Audio

About This Class

Dr. Chuck Coker invites you to his conflict response program, where he'll share his 35-year experience teaching conflict resolution and its importance in personal growth. Using the strategies adopted by major corporations across two continents, he'll guide you through understanding, resolving, and learning from conflicts. He aims to help participants develop into the individuals God intended them to be, all while drawing on scriptural examples. Joining this program promises transformative life changes and personal development. For more resources on this topic, visit: https://www.lifethrive.com/books-manuals/

About the Professor

Chuck Coker

Dr. Chuck Coker, PhD, SPHR, is a renowned expert in personal and professional development, human capital strategy, and psychometrics. With over 30 years of experience, he has assisted Fortune 500 companies, regional organizations, and prestigious educational institutions with talent management. As a skilled public speaker and writer, Dr. Coker's extensive knowledge in theology, ancient philosophies, and personal formation makes him a valuable resource for fostering spiritual and professional growth.

Chuck Coker


  • In responding to conflict, it is crucial to understand its origins and how it evolves as conflict is instrumental in a well-functioning team or ministry, but handling it can be daunting. Conflict usually starts with a misunderstanding that can cause anxiety to escalate, leading to a fight or flight instinct. Constructive conflict can be a powerful trust-building tool, but it is essential to identify conflict in its early stages to avoid it getting out of hand.
  • Conflict can be a team-building opportunity when well managed. To effectively manage conflict, recognize it as a communication breakdown that needs to be addressed, rather than avoided. Recognize that not all conflict can be resolved, but use it as a motivator for change. Building trust through strengthened relationships will enable you to manage conflict and achieve personal growth.
  • Through this lesson, you gain in-depth knowledge of five key conflict response styles, comprehending their motivations, strengths, and weaknesses, and how to navigate conflicts effectively using this understanding.
  • Gain knowledge about conflict types, causes, resolution strategies, and prevention methods to effectively handle conflicts in interpersonal, intrapersonal, and organizational settings.
  • Gain insight into conflict types, sources, and biblical resolution principles, while learning strategies like communication skills, problem-solving, reconciliation, and fostering a peaceful church culture.
  • Gain insight into biblical conflict resolution strategies, emphasizing active listening, empathy, and humility, and explore the vital roles of forgiveness and reconciliation in healing.
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