
Understanding the Old Testament

Encounter the overarching themes of the Bible and humanity as Dr. House leads you through this introduction to the old testament. Understanding the characters, plot, structure, themes and historical settings, helps you see the unity of the Bible as a whole.
Number of lessons: 18
Total length: 11 hours 52 minutes
Format: Audio

About This Class

You will encounter the overarching themes of the Bible and humanity as Dr. House leads you through this introduction to old testament survey. The more you understand the characters, plot, structure, themes and historical settings, the more you see the unity of the old testament and the Bible as a whole.

The first five books of the old testament that you experience when you are encountering the old testament is called the Torah. This is the core of the teaching of the old testament Bible. The accounts of God’s creation of the universe out of chaos, Adam and Eve’s first sin and the consequences, Noah, the tower of Babel, Abraham and his family, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph show God’s creativity and his love and plan for the nation of Israel and all of humanity. Jacob’s family goes to Egypt to survive a famine and Moses leads them out 400 years later as a nation. God gave them the Ten Commandments as the basis for his covenant with them and to demonstrate how they should be set apart to be a witness to other nations. This old testament survey online also explains the importance and symbolism of the tabernacle. Having a bible study about the time when Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan gives you an opportunity to see how God established his covenant by giving them a place to live. Studying the period of the judges gives you insight into human nature and how God dealt with people in that culture.

In a survey of the old testament, Samuel lives at the end of the period of the judges and anoints Saul as the first king. As you read the history of the period of the kings, the old testament survey guides you through the lives of the kings, the decisions they made and the effect they had on Israel and the surrounding countries. During this time, God warned and encouraged the Israelites through his prophets. Major bible survey themes in the messages of the prophets are the description of the sins of Israel and the nations, punishment of sin at the “day of the Lord” and restoration of Israel and the nations.

The Writings include poetry and wisdom literature that contain essential teachings of the Jewish and Christian faith and have influenced western culture over centuries. In your old testament survey notes, you will want to note inspirational and instructional passages that will enrich your daily life.

Whether you are reading your Bible devotionally or studying your Bible using a bible commentary, Dr. House’s old testament survey online class will give you a new perspective on both the old testament and the its relationship to the new testament.


Other Recommended Reading:

The God I Don’t Understand, Christopher Wright

A Passion for Faithfulness, J. I. Packer


About the Professor

Paul House

Paul House


  • The unifying purpose of the Old Testament is to show how God saves human beings from sin, for his glory and for his service.
  • An introduction to the Law portion of the Old Testament and an overview of the content and themes in Genesis from Creation to the migration of Jacob's family to live in Egypt with Joseph.
  • God sends Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. After God sends the ten plagues, Pharoah lets them go. God gives the Ten Commandments and instructions for the Tabernacle. Aaron and his sons are set aside to be priests.
  • Discover the profound themes of Leviticus, where God's holiness calls His people to be set apart. Learn about the sacrificial system, the role of priests, and the Day of Atonement, all designed to restore and strengthen our relationship with God.
  • Explore the journey of Israel as they prepare to enter the Promised Land in Numbers. Discover how Deuteronomy emphasizes God's renewed covenant, highlighting love as the key motivation for service. Learn why Moses declares the covenant as essential to life.
  • Explore the history and theology of Israel in the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. Discover how God fulfills His promise to Abraham by giving Israel the land of Canaan. Learn about Joshua's leadership, land division, and the covenant renewal.
  • Discover how God's discipline and deliverance shape His people in the chaotic era of Judges. Learn about the "sin cycle," Baal worship, and the consequences of turning from God. Explore 1 and 2 Samuel's promise of an eternal kingdom through a covenant with a divinely chosen king.
  • David's journey to kingship, desire to build a house for God, and the divine promise of an everlasting Messianic dynasty. Despite his sins of adultery and murder, David's repentance brings forgiveness, though not without consequences. 1 Kings details David's death and Solomon's rise to power.
  • After Solomon's death, the nation splits into two parts: the northern 10 tribes (Israel) and the southern 2 tribes (Judah). 1 and 2 Kings is the story of the rise and fall of specific kings as well as the rise and fall of Israel and Judah. Elijah and Elisha were influential prophets during this time.
  • Explore the Latter Prophets—Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the 12 Minor Prophets. Learn to read prophetic literature, understand Israel’s history, and grasp key themes like sin, judgment, redemption, and the Messiah's role. Discover why living faithfully matters today.
  • Discover Jeremiah's prophetic journey near Jerusalem as he calls nations to repentance, faces opposition, and delivers God's message of renewal and a promised Messiah. Witness God's faithfulness in renewing His covenant with Israel during challenging times.
  • Ezekiel is a prophet of restoration and hope. He offers hope to the exiles that God will make the future brighter than the past and has a vision of a restored and renewed Jerusalem. God explains to Ezekiel why Jerusalem falls, then promises to restore the people, the monarchy, and Jerusalem.
  • Discover the unified prophetic message of the Book of the Twelve. This lesson uncovers key themes: Israel's sins, divine judgment, and ultimate restoration. Dive deep into the prophets' roles, theological insights, and the historical impact of their messages.
  • Explore Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah's teachings on God's judgment and grace. Learn how Nahum predicts Assyria's fall, Habakkuk highlights faith amidst turmoil, and Zephaniah promises future restoration. Discover the balance of divine justice and mercy.
  • Discover the transformative power of The Writings in the Old Testament, focusing on the Psalms. Learn how these scriptures guide worship, faith, and Messianic hope through diverse genres and themes. Gain insights into spiritual practices and their impact on generations.
  • Explore the Book of Job in this lesson, uncovering profound insights on suffering, faith, and divine sovereignty. Compare Job's radical approach with Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, and learn how Wisdom Literature guides you through life's challenges with enduring faith.
  • Discover the profound themes of God's mercy and covenant relationships in the book of Ruth. Explore Ruth and Naomi's journey through loss and bitterness, leading to redemption and the fulfillment of God's plan, highlighting loyalty, faithfulness, and divine purpose.
  • Esther survived in exile by the grace and providence of God. Daniel shows us how to maintain distinctive faith in exile. Ezra and Nehemiah talk about how to rebuild a nation. 1 and 2 Chronicles talk about how to view the past.
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Understanding the Old Testament - Student Guide

Understanding the Old Testament - Student Guide

This Student’s Guide is intended to be used with BiblicalTraining’s Foundation-level class, Understanding the Old Testament, taught by Dr. Paul House. You will encounter the...

Understanding the Old Testament - Student Guide

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