
Let's Fulfill the Great Commission Together!

We hope this message finds you well. We are deeply grateful for the support you have provided to BiblicalTraining.org in the past. Your contributions have played an instrumental role in our ability to bring biblical education to our brothers and sisters around the world.

People in every country and in your backyard truly want to be more like Jesus, but sometimes they don't know how. This is why our mission is to help people be rooted in the Bible so that, with the help of the Spirit and their

Would you be part of our mission of enabling people everywhere to be rooted in Scripture and thereby lead disciples toward spiritual growth through deep biblical understanding and practice? In every mission, there are general operating expenses. We've just recorded a new class on Spiritual Growth by Dr. Stephen Martyn, and a gift paid for the production of the class. However, with donations to our general fund, we can continue to cover the costs of video hosting and offering customer support. As we reach the middle of 2024, could you help us stay within our budget? Would you consider donating to our general fund? Maybe you could even become a regular donor and join our Ministry Partner program.

Through testimonials we receive, we are constantly reminded of the impact of your generosity:

"Thank you for creating an easily accessible platform for Biblical education. I have been able to deepen my understanding of Scripture and have even started leading Bible study groups in my community. I am forever grateful." Small Group Leader in Columbia, South Carolina.

“What amazes me is that BiblicalTraining offers free online education with the most renowned teachers and authors from different prestigious bible colleges and universities. I am thankful for the reliable teachings. In the Philippines, it’s common to be exposed to heretical teaching.” —Joshua

Please prayerfully consider donating so that together we help fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission of teaching people everything he taught his disciples. It is a journey of joy and a privilege to be directly involved in this divine task.

Your support goes directly to expanding the Kingdom of God on Earth, and we cannot thank you enough for that. Your gifts truly make a difference.

In Christ,

Bill Mounce
President and Founder

P.S. We are thankful for John Mark Comer’s testimony: “Biblical Training is a gold mine of resources for the new, ever-shifting church topography. World-class scholarship from some of the best teachers of our generation made accessible to anybody and for free! It doesn’t get much better than this.” John Mark is the founding pastor of Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon, and is now focused on his discipleship organization, Practicing the Way”.

BiblicalTraining is a crowd-funded 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. As a result, all our classes are available at no cost. Would you make a donation to help us continue to reach people around the world?
